创建带有画外音的完整视频比创建纯粹的视觉 Manim 场景要复杂一些。 在视频渲染后,必须使用视频编辑程序添加画外音。这个过程可能很困难且耗时,因为它需要大量的计划和准备。
为了简化向视频添加画外音的过程,我们创建了 Manim Voiceover,这是一个插件,可让您直接在 Python 中向场景添加画外音。要安装它,请运行
Bash |
| pip install "manim-voiceover[azure,gtts]"
请访问安装页面, 了解有关如何安装 Manim Voiceover 的更多详细信息。
- 直接在 Python 中向 Manim 视频添加配音,无需使用视频编辑器。
- 通过简单的命令行界面在渲染过程中使用麦克风录制配音。
- 使用来自各种免费和专有服务的自动生成的 AI 语音来开发动画。
它提供了一个非常简单的 API,可让您指定配音脚本,然后在渲染期间录制它:
Python |
| from manim import *
from manim_voiceover import VoiceoverScene
from manim_voiceover.services.recorder import RecorderService
# Simply inherit from VoiceoverScene instead of Scene to get all the
# voiceover functionality.
class RecorderExample(VoiceoverScene):
def construct(self):
# You can choose from a multitude of TTS services,
# or in this example, record your own voice:
circle = Circle()
# Surround animation sections with with-statements:
with self.voiceover(text="This circle is drawn as I speak.") as tracker:
self.play(Create(circle), run_time=tracker.duration)
# The duration of the animation is received from the audio file
# and passed to the tracker automatically.
# This part will not start playing until the previous voiceover is finished.
with self.voiceover(text="Let's shift it to the left 2 units.") as tracker:
self.play(circle.animate.shift(2 * LEFT), run_time=tracker.duration)
要开始使用 Manim Voiceover,请访问快速入门指南。
访问示例库 以查看 Manim Voiceover 的一些实际示例。